Units of Inquiry

What we are learning:

How We Express Ourselves

An inquiry into the ways we discover and express ideas, feelings, nature, culture, beliefs and values; the ways in which we reflect onextend and enjoy our creativityour appreciation of aesthetics.

Central Idea: Different forms of language enable us to express and gather information.

Questions we are asking children to guide their inquiries:

1) Where is language used in the world around us?

2) How do people use language to express and gather information?

3) How does language allow us to express and understand different perspectives?

Ways you can help your child in his/her learning:

1) Share and discuss different types of written texts and oral storytelling with your child during this unit. For example, you could read the daily news together, share stories about family around the dinner table, sing songs together, and/or have a family poetry reading night.

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