Homework for the week of March 28 is now available and other matters!

We are now on our last week together as a Grade 4 AND 5 class. Grade 4 students will have one last week of homework from me before moving on to their new Grade 4 teacher and her homework. You can find the homework, as usual, from the drop down menu above “Weekly Homework” or by clicking the following link:

Weekly Homework Tasks

Grade 4 parents, you should now begin to follow your child’s new teacher’s class blog. You can find a link to this blog by looking at the right hand side of my blog, under the heading “Blogs I Follow”.

Once you have viewed this new blog, you should again follow instructions to follow that blog to get updates when that teacher posts new information.

Grade 5 parents (old and new), please remember to begin checking our ISPP Grade 5 Exhibitions blog at the following link:


There is already a message there posted under: “For Parents”. Also, there is a survey under “For Students” that you must, please, fill out with your child. As the Exhibition begins, we need to collect the most up to date data about your email address and emergency contact information, as students will often be travelling in and out of school for field trips and interviews.